Familial Bonds
This mother, her baby and the mother's sister gathered on our family bed, the labor and delivery bed to share loving this little new life. Birth is meant to be shared with those closest to you and we are so thankful that we can provide a space where women do not have to labor alone, where they can be fully supported by whoever they choose and that they have a clean, comfy, large bed to enjoy these bliss-filled postpartum hours.

Babies for Days
Babies for days!
We had 30 women due again for September and somehow 19 of them have waited until now to give birth. That's going to be a very busy 12 days of September!!!

We Celebrate One Year!
It has been a year full of joy, connections, hard work, and growth. We are so proud of the accomplishments of this first year and are thrilled to report that we have been quite successful in year one. View the Mailchimp message for more details.

Our Work Continues!
Despite the unrest and chaos in Port au Prince, Haiti, our work at Grace has not been significantly impacted at this time. Many of you are concerned about the birth center and staff, and we want you all to know that our work continues.
There was exciting news this morning (March 16) as Ninotte and staff welcomed our 50th baby! Mama arrived at 5:45AM just twelve minutes before she gave birth to her beautiful son.

Because of Grace
Because of Grace, 1,175 services were delivered in 2023! From opening in April 2023 to the end of 2023 Grace has done the following: 93 births, 450 prenatal care visits, 300 postpartum care visits, 120 women received well woman care, 67 women screened for cervical cancer, and 145 Adolescents completed Health Education Class.

Happy Holidays from Grace
Happy Holidays from Grace! The midwives, nurses, and staff at Grace Community Birth Center have settled into a busy routine as the number of families seeking birth care and well woman services continues to increase. We have done over 300 prenatal visits and have taken care of 31 women in labor since we opened our door in April of this year!

November Birth
This hefty baby boy was just born this morning into loving hands. Weighing in at 7lbs 14oz... A very good weight for this full term baby. Look at that strong grasp on his mama's breast, clinging to life, his source, his whole world.

Grace’s first baby 6 months later
Baby Darwin - Grace’s first baby is now 6 months old and has been exclusively breastfed. So proud of his mama!

A family bed at Grace
Baby boy Edd Samy born on his daddy's birthday! I love that we get to offer a "family bed"... A queen bed where dad, mom and baby can bond together. This is beyond a luxury compared to any birthing options I know of in Haiti. The fact that the father/partner can be with the mama during labour and stay afterwards is truly unique. This is just one way Grace supports the family bond.

Birth kits arrive!
A big thank you to @haitihealthnetwork and @directrelief for supplying us with these much needed midwifery kits, full of supplies that we needed to restock!

Nou di mèsi - We give thanks!
Our hearts are full of thanks for you, our donors and supporters, who have steadfastly supported Grace Community Birth Center from its conception through its opening and now serving the Grand Basin community. Click here for the full update.

Gras Akeyi Plis Bebe…Nan Mannye Sajsanm Yo
The Grace Community Birth Center is at it’s core a place that emulates the Midwifery Model of Care. Click here for the full update.

Yon ti gason! It’s a boy!
We celebrate International Day of the Midwife by celebrating Grace’s first baby, Darwin Belamour! Darwin is Ernise’s first born and was uneventfully and lovingly birthed into the hands of the Grace midwives. Click here for the full update.

The Labor of Love Begins
Final touches have been made to the building and the sign hung at the front gate, now the Grace midwives settle into the routine of taking care of women like Wilene (pictured here) who is 29 weeks pregnant with her first baby. Click here for the full update.

And we open!
The moment I received the keys to the The Grace Community Birth Center I was overwhelmed with ten thousand words and maybe that many emotions. WOW, we did it! Click here for the full update.

Epi nou pouse (“And we push” in Haitian Creole)
Yes we are that close…just a bit more pushing and this baby will be born from a labor of love! Click here for the full update.

Continuing to Persevere
Despite many challenges within Haiti, Ninotte and the RWE workers continue on.

Stand with Grace
When you stand with GRACE you stand with Haitians, especially women who, with dignity, are fighting everyday to provide their children with food during these scarce times and to keep them healthy. See this update for more details.

Ready for the roof!
The rammed earth walls are nearly complete and the structure is ready for roofing.