The birth center is complete and the staff are now providing a full range of maternal services. The pictures below provide a history of the building process.
Here are photos illustrating the entire construction process.

Land acquired for GCBC (2016)

Ninotte participates in the surveying of the land (2019)
Ninotte Lubin and Steve Miller, architect, review initial design for the center

Final drawings and construction documents prepared by RWE Construction Services in consultation with Ninotte. (2021-2022)

Final drawings and construction documents prepared by RWE Construction Services in consultation with Ninotte. 2021-2022

Building layout developed (early 2022)

First, the top layer of organic material was removed. (April 2022)

Building pad being created using a knee-high retaining wall made of local stone.

Structural backfill was then installed and compacted to create the building pad. (May 2022)

The building pad at final elevation, trenching for the foundation. In addition, the sanitary sewer and gray water infrastructure was installed at this time.

800 Gallon septic tank was installed and connected to a leachfield.

Rebar, conduits and plumbing was installed prior to concrete pour. The red metal pieces are for anchoring the 6x6 columns into the foundation.

The concrete slabs were poured over two days, finishing on June 10, 2022.

The wood framing started with the installation of the 6x6 columns. (June 2022)

Rafters were then installed on the columns. Cut off material from the columns were re-used in the door and window headers. (July 2022)

The formwork for the Rammed Earth Walls (REW) fastened to the wood frame.

Wailers are installed to maintain the width of the wall during compaction.

The framing complete and the first lift for the walls was ready to begin in early August 2022.

Material was selected from 4 areas around the site. These materials were most suitable for the construction.

The material for the walls being mixed with sand, small gravel, cement and water. (August 2022)

This material was compacted by hand into the form-work in layers of ~8-10 inches

The form work was removed to reveal the first wall.

The form work then “jumped” up to the next position.

Window frames were added as the walls grew taller.

The walls for this building were completed in early September 2022.

This was the view from inside the building after the walls were completed.

This is the leachfield area, which was planted with vetiver plants. (Oct/Nov 2022)

Steel purlins for the roofing structure installed here.

Roofing material was fastened to the purlins.

Trim and fascia board was added to the roofing structure.

Interior walls were framed with wood and steel studs.

View from the rear of the building. The water tower platform is installed.

Framing for interior walls is a combination of light gauge steel and wood stud. (Dec 2022)

Completing the walkway

Solar panels on roof (2023)

Hooking up the water tower

Interior walls were drywalled and doors were installed.

The outside patio was recompacted and formed for concrete.

The fixed furniture (cabinetry) was fabricated on site and installed.

The incinerator unit (right) and a plastic drum for needles.

Installing a gate post

A new entrance gate was fabricated and installed.

Final product.

Final product.

Final product.

Finished interior (typical).

Locally made bed and curtains

Final product.

Ninotte receives the keys from the RWE staff (March 31, 2023)