We Celebrate One Year!

It has been a year full of joy, connections, hard work, and growth. We are so proud of the accomplishments of this first year and are thrilled to report that we have been quite successful in year one. As of the first anniversary of opening our doors (4/10/23) we have registered 239 women - 58 babies have been born at the birth center, 24 women delivered at home, 27 were transferred to the hospital, and 7 delivered at another facility without being transferred from Grace. Grace staff completed 976 prenatal visits and 258 postnatal visits. The staff provided well-woman services to 150 women including contraceptive services. Through a partnership with the Foundation for the Advancement of Haitian Midwives, Grace screened 87 women for cervical cancer and 50 were treated with thermocoagulation.. More


Babies for Days


Our Work Continues!