August 2021 Update
After more than a year of uncertainty due to the pandemic I am happy to report that the project is moving forward. Despite no one being able to travel in or out of Haiti, Ninotte has continued to provide prenatal and postpartum care, work with the women’s groups, teach sexual education classes and cultivate various agricultural projects on the property. Although our typical fundraising events did not take place in 2020 a couple of very generous donors sent in contributions bringing the building fund up to $130,000! And our sustaining monthly donors continue to keep the project afloat. We are forever grateful to these kind people.
Current unrest
Besides dealing with Covid Haiti was again hit with a very rough period of social unrest. You likely have heard of the assassination of Jovenel Moise, the President of Haiti, on July 7. Ninotte is doing well enough though travel across the country is dangerous at this time. Grand Bassin, the town close to the Grace Community Center, is far enough from Port au Prince and Cap Haitien to feel safer, though the economic troubles afflict the entire country.
Ninotte recently commented to one of the project’s supporters: “It's a sad and unfortunate event that we have been dealing with in Haiti. I am fighting the battle so far and hope for a better tomorrow. People's hearts are full of greed and hatred. All about POWER and MONEY. Poor us, the ordinary people, the working classes! Something somehow must change. It starts with everyone's effort. I am doing what I can.”
Advisory Board
The advisory board went through its own period of challenges with some people needing to step off. We give thanks to Nadia Daniels-Moehle and Christina Moord who made significant and valuable contributions to the project. We welcome Reina Galjour and Rachel Olsson, midwives who have worked with Ninotte in Haiti and look forward to their ideas and enthusiasm. Through all of the changes Ninotte has remained remarkably steadfast in her commitment and fierce determination to see the building project commence.
Birth Center
We have resumed talks with the Building Goodness Foundation, the organization providing architectural and construction management expertise for the project. We are evaluating the use of rammed earth construction as a way to use local materials rather than relying on imported cement.
Local labor will be used as much as possible. Finalizing construction design, materials to be used, and a timeline for breaking ground will take place over the next few months.
Support Ninotte
There are multiple ways you can support Ninotte and the project:
Donate at any time at this page. All donations are greatly appreciated! And consider becoming a monthly donor - this is so valuable as a way to keep the project going.
We are looking for one more person to join the advisory board ideally someone with international non-profit experience. If you would like to talk about this opportunity, email Kathi at
We are hoping to bring Ninotte to the USA in November - if you would like to meet with her or have ideas for speaking engagements/fundraisers let us know